Thanksgiving, TV-Watching And I

It’s mid-morning on the 26th of November, 2020, the Thanksgiving holiday in the USA. Moments ago I placed my fingers upon my computer’s keyboard to begin composing this story. But I ain’t going to complete and publish it on the big day itself. No way! Shit, I’m too old and slow-working for that. But, better late than never, right? Well, actually, who the hell knows?

Anyway, getting back to Thanksgiving: I’m of the non-religious and non-believer varieties, which, among other things, results in many holidays being on my not-to-be-celebrated list. Thanksgiving, though, is a different story. As is true for most Americans, it is one of my favorite days of the year. I’ve always gathered with one medium-to-large-sized combination or another of relatives and friends on Thanksgiving, and by the time I was seven or eight or so, the holiday had burrowed deep into my heart. The burrowing hasn’t ebbed, because every year I’ve experienced Thanksgiving as a day of good cheer and good companionship. It means a whole lot to me.

Today, though, the combination of people with whom I’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving will be, for the first time ever, composed of only two individuals: yours truly and my wife Sandy. Until recently, however, our plans were different. Several relatives were going to join us at our house to shoot the breeze and chow down on roast turkey with all the trimmings, pumpkin pie and a bunch of other dishes. But the skyrocketing numbers of coronavirus-related hospitalizations and deaths in the USA caused Sandy and me to reevaluate the situation. The conclusion that we came to was that it was better for all concerned to be safe rather than sorry. As a result, we cancelled the party. We will have a traditional Thanksgiving meal at home ourselves, but it won’t be nearly the same. We’ll wish that our relatives were with us.

Yeah, as is all too painfully known, coronavirus has f*cked things up real good all over the world. In my case, which is totally trivial in the greater scheme of things, many of the enjoyable activities that used to fill up much of my days are, due to the virus, no longer available. Volunteer jobs, movie-going and concert-going, for instance. And now that it’s too cold in my part of the globe to eat outdoors at restaurants (on warm days, Sandy and I ate outdoors many times this year), restaurant-dining is off the table too. That’s because we won’t eat inside restaurants, where the chances of coming in contact with the virus are far greater than they are in the open air. Bummer, man. F*cking bummer.

But, as I’ve noted on these pages before, one activity has come to my rescue big-time. Namely, focused television-watching. For years my television consumption largely had been a smattering of this and that during late-night channel-flipping sessions. However, in the pandemic era, for an hour and a half or thereabouts most evenings, I have tuned in to series and movies on commercial-free outlets. And that fare has entertained the hell out of me, keeping me in halfway-decent spirits as I navigate life’s currently-murky waters.

I’ll say some words about two of the series that I watched in their entireties in November: The Queen’s Gambit and Patrick Melrose (they are on Netflix and Showtime, respectively, and were released, respectively, in 2020 and 2018). Each consists of a modest number of episodes, so you won’t have to devote half your life to watching them. More important, these productions rightly are series. By which I mean that if each had been condensed into movies, much would have been lost in character development and story complexity.

Who’d have thought that the game of chess would make for compelling viewing? Not I. The Queen’s Gambit certainly proves otherwise. Here we have the saga of an orphaned Kentucky girl, Beth Harmon, who at age 15 is adopted by a couple whose male half is indifferent to her, but whose female member gives her care, love and understanding, sometimes idiosyncratically. Beth, who suffers from substance abuse problems and personality development issues aplenty, has been, from an early age, heavily consumed by chess. Why? Because she possesses an almost supernatural ability to visualize and analyze chess strategies. Her gift eventually places her head-to-head and mind-to-mind with some of the best chess players in the world.

As for Patrick Melrose, I have to say that it was a hard watch for me, as it’s the sad tale of a British boy raised by terrible parents, and of the angry and confused adult that the boy becomes. Parental neglect and cruelty are the cornerstones of Patrick Melrose’s childhood, traumatic truths that don’t dissipate very much in intensity as he ages. Benedict Cumberbatch is the main star (he plays the adult Patrick). As is true in all the productions that I’ve seen him in, he does a superior job. That chap can act!

I’m going to close the proceedings by asking which activities have been boons to you during the pandemic era. And if television-viewing has been one of them, I’d be interested to know the programs and movies that have captured your attention. Oh, and if you’re an American, how was your Thanksgiving?

Till next time!

136 thoughts on “Thanksgiving, TV-Watching And I

  1. Lynette d'Arty-Cross December 2, 2020 / 1:24 am

    My workload has increased and stress levels have become very high (and then I start feeling guilty because I have a job) so tv and movies are an unwind thing. I’ve started the Queen’s Gambit and am looking forward to the rest of the series. I think there’s going to be another season of The Kominsky Method (you recommended it and my M and I really enjoyed it).

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Paddy Tobin December 2, 2020 / 2:18 am

    As you know, Thanksgiving is not celebrated here in Ireland but we are in the run-up to Christmas and we will celebrate in exactly the same way as you have celebrated your Thanksgiving – just the two of us. It will be a great loss, a sadness and a loneliness not having family with us, or even visit. We will especially miss not seeing grandchildren and can only look forward in hope to the days when we will be able to meet them all again. Now, just to reassure you that we will not stint on enjoying the occasion ourselves, we have done the usual advance cooking – the traditional Christmas pudding etc etc and have ordered the usual foods – turkey and ham for the dinner, for example; the wine rack is straining under the weight of bottles and, how shall I put it, we will be in good spirits over the holiday period. I’ll lift a glass, or two or three or more, to you over the Christmas!

    Television doesn’t feature high on my list of things to do in life. I find there are so many repeated programmes that I am turned off even checking to see if there is anything of interest. Mary will look at repeats of old detective programmes forever but is not inclined towards watching films – she has difficulty with hearing accents in particular as she is deaf in one ear (and doesn’t listen to me with the other!) The Undoing has caught her attention – a recommendation from a friend – and we are going to watch than, beginning today. It may lead to her being a little more adventurous in her viewing and I may join her!

    Best wishes to you in these difficult days. I agree completely with you in your lifestyle choices in light of Covid 19. Restrictions were relaxed here yesterday but, to be honest, it is only because the government realises restrictions would be ignored by a significant portion of the population over the Christmas – 20% responded to a survey by the National Statistics Office saying they would do so. Restrictions only work when the population accepts them willingly and we have a situation where the government simply feels it better to concede graciously something they cannot refuse so that it will be able to coax people back into compliance after Christmas when infection numbers will rise again. Of significance, from that same survey, 80% of respondents said they would continue to live in the manner recommended to prevent the spread of the virus. I’m in the 80% group.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 12:58 pm

      Paddy, your Christmas feast will be delicious. But, drink in moderation! As for The Undoing, my wife and I saw all the episodes. It’s a good series. Tense, keeps you guessing, nicely-acted.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Paddy Tobin December 2, 2020 / 1:24 pm

        Always in moderation but one man’s moderation is …. Cheers!

        Liked by 3 people

  3. tiffanyarpdaleo December 2, 2020 / 3:22 am

    We just finished watching Queens Gambit, love it also and can’t wait for the next season! Thanksgiving was only my husband and I this year, very weird, it’s usually at least 20 people, we are approaching another lockdown in California.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:01 pm

      Hi. Yeah, I’ve seen news coverage of the virus situation in California. It’s bad in so many places. I heard on the radio that it’s really bad in the Dakotas.


  4. Steve Higgins December 2, 2020 / 4:00 am

    As one of the worlds most accomplished tv viewers and a couch potato of the highest echelon I feel your question is one I am well qualified to answer. I prefer documentaries and old films and the missus, she prefers quiz shows, particularly Countdown, a words and numbers game.. On many afternoons I am forced to look up from my laptop to hear her cry of delight as she has solved the numbers question or even, on occasion, found a 9 letter word.
    Sometimes I am tempted to respond by using language of a coarse nature especially if I am in the throes of completing my latest blog post but up until now I have happily been able to grunt something positive which seems to go down reasonably well.
    The Undoing is something that we both find pretty interesting so far although I have been accused of watching it purely because of the naked lady in episode 1. Naturally I vehemently denied that foul smear to my character though I must say she was pretty well put together, not that I noticed.
    All the best Neil.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:04 pm

      Greetings, Steve. I won’t tell you how The Undoing ends (my wife and I watched the finale last night). But one of the main characters comes up with a pretty clever strategy. An enjoyable series.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Miel December 2, 2020 / 6:27 am

    Dark is one of my favorite series of all time! If you’re into mind-boggling, time-travel type of thing, you should check it out. I have yet to start TQG but I’ve heard really good reviews about it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:07 pm

      Hi. Thanks for stopping by. I’ll look into Dark. Thanks for the suggestion. Yeah, it seems that TQG has gotten loads of good reviews. And apparently it has helped to increase the popularity of chess.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Carolina Vann December 2, 2020 / 6:57 am

    I’m a sports junkie, so LIVE events like golf, basketball, Aussie Rules football, football, NASCAR, gymnastics, even America Ninja Warrior have helped to fill the time. Being raised in Miami, I was a Miami Vice freak. I ordered all five seasons on Blue Ray, and am now in season five. Great escapism… Also Heavy Rescue 501, and Highway thru Hell on the Weather Channel, and Deadliest Catch… Incredible reality shows.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:11 pm

      Hey there. I don’t watch anywhere near as much sports as I did in past decades, but I did watch quite a bit of the NBA playoffs this year. I thought that they were exciting, even though there was nobody in the stands. And half of the Lakers (Howard, Green, Rondo and others) have left the team over the last few weeks, either by trade or free agency — sports can be very strange that way.


  7. swabby429 December 2, 2020 / 8:10 am

    Thanksgiving was quiet in my little house. I caught up on reading and phone calls. It was simply just a nice day to be alive.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Joyce Hamilton December 2, 2020 / 8:13 am

    I am very blessed. I have a family of 4 that have been like my family for 6 years. We see each other every week but all very aware of the virus . My regular Thanksgiving was canceled but l was invited to spend Thanksgiving with my adopted family. It was wonderful but not traditional. They are vegetarian and fantastic cooks. It was great. Also saving me during this time is to safely take classes safely at the Y. Also still like walks outside. Hope this virus will end sooner than later.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:15 pm

      Hi. I’m glad that you had a good Thanksgiving. Unless unforeseen things happen, such as vaccines not working too well, I suppose that the pandemic will be fading away by late spring 2021.


  9. Donna Cameron December 2, 2020 / 9:25 am

    We’re a little late to the party, but have watched two episodes of The Queen’s Gambit, and are looking forward to the remaining episodes. There are a few current series we’ve started but not finished–due to either excessive violence or soap-opera plots. We tend to return to show we know we like, such as The Closer/Major Crimes (great franchise!) or Damian Lewis’s earlier show, Life (some of the best television ever). Books have been my saving grace through these months of isolation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:19 pm

      I’ll research Life. I think I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know anything about it. Here’s a Netflix recommendation: The Trial. It’s a crime drama series from Italy. Not much violence. And it’s thought-provoking.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Laurie Graves December 2, 2020 / 10:23 am

    Just the two of us here for Thanksgiving, but we Zoomed with the kids in the evening. Thank goodness for technology. “The Queen’s Gambit” is on my watch list. Right now, Clif and I are binging on “Supernatural.” Late to the party, I know, but better late than never to follow Sam and Dean as they hunt monsters. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:23 pm

      Hi Laurie. There’s a soap opera-ish Netflix series called Virgin River. I don’t like soap operas, but for some reason I like this show pretty well. I guess it’s because I like some of the main characters. My wife and I watched season one a few months ago, and now we’re into season two, which just got released.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Laurie Graves December 3, 2020 / 8:56 am

        I’ve seen “Virgin River.” After reading what you wrote in your comment, I just might give it a try.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. adguru101 December 2, 2020 / 10:28 am

    Happy belated Thanksgiving! We loved The Queen’s Gambit, too. Also enjoyed Roadkill — I’d watch Hugh Laurie do just about anything — and the creepy-but-compelling Ratched with the brilliant Judy Davis and Sarah Paulson.

    So much good television — perhaps the only upside to forced confinement.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:25 pm

      Hi. You’re right — there’s an incredible amount of good series available. There’s a new one with Brian Cranston that might be real good.


  12. Hansi December 2, 2020 / 10:36 am

    I’ve been watching old episodes of Star Trek with William Shatner. A little hoakie by today’s standards but good stories.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:26 pm

      Hi there. I have to say that I never was drawn to that show. But over the years it has become iconic, that’s for sure.


  13. Denise Denton Thiery December 2, 2020 / 10:44 am

    My Thanksgiving was a lot like yours, with just the hubby and me and a lot of tv. You’re a talented writer and very funny. As for what I lie to binge watch, I really enjoyed “Grace and Frankie” and the “Komisky Method.” Comedy is always my preference, and stand-up comedy is my favorite genre. I quit many of them after just a few minutes, though. Hard to find ones I really like. So many of the current crop lean heavily toward very crude language. I am not a prude and can take an occasional, or even frequent, f***k, if it adds punch to the joke, but its use has gotten out of hand. If a comic can’t get through a single joke without a few, I am checking out. Thanks for sharing your humor, which often (as in this piece) delivers a lot of thought-provoking heart.

    Sincerely Yours,

    Denise Thiery

    “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” ~ Ben Franklin

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:30 pm

      Hi Denise, and thanks for the compliments. Here’s a comedy/drama you might like: Derry Girls. It’s on Netflix. It’s set in Northern Ireland in the 1990s. My wife and I did a lot of laughing while watching this show.


  14. Robert Parker December 2, 2020 / 11:45 am

    Hi Neil – I’m not watching much, but while I ate my nightly piece of pumpkin pie (yes! good stuff) I saw some episodes of “The Detectorists,” a strange little BBC program, and it’s one of those starts-off-slow-but-grows-on-you. And if you have Acorn, “Dead Still” is another strange one, about a Victorian photographer who specializes in portraits of people who’ve just died, and then is involved in a series of murders. That sounds creepy, but it’s pretty good, and has surprisingly likeable characters most of the time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:34 pm

      Afternoon, Robert. Don’t have Acorn. But maybe Detectorists is on one of the outlets we have. I’m always on the lookout for new series to watch. If you have Netflix, you might like Russian Doll. It’s fast-paced and surreal.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Robert Parker December 2, 2020 / 1:57 pm

        Oh thanks, haven’t seen that one yet, sounds interesting, like Groundhog Day

        Liked by 1 person

  15. andrewcferguson December 2, 2020 / 12:26 pm

    Music-making would be my main go-to during this pandemic as a solo activity, but Alison and I have spent a lot of time in front of the telly, especially now the garden is less of a proposition weather-wise. The Queen’s Gambit is really fantastic; the rest of our watch time is between dramas (we also enjoyed Roadkill, although Hugh Laurie kind of carried it) Scandi noir, and comfort viewing. There are two British series called the Repair Shop and Restoration Workshop that are the televisual equivalent of a warm mug of chicken soup.

    Stay safe, guys – the vaccines are on the cway!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:37 pm

      Those vaccines can’t arrive soon enough. As for TV, have you seen Nobel? It’s a political/war drama from Norway. Real good series. I heard that Netflix was dropping it in the USA, but maybe it’s still on your country’s version of Netflix. See ya!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Anabel @ The Glasgow Gallivanter December 2, 2020 / 12:39 pm

    Like you, I miss all the live events we used to go to. However, I am feeling cheered up today having purchased a pass for the digital version of Celtic Connections, the festival that usually lights up our January. 19 nights of entertainment for £30 (about $40)? Can’t refuse that!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:40 pm

      I remember that you’ve written about Celtic Connection. It’s great that the people behind it are putting it on again, even though it’s not in-person. So many good musicians have played at CC over the years.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. sheetalbravon December 2, 2020 / 1:13 pm

    Queen’s Gambit was riveting considering I don’t know anything about chess and yet I couldn’t stop watching. Seen Patrick Melrose and was swept away by the tale. It was not a pleasant watch but Benedict Cumberbatch was the real star. He literally carried the whole show on his shoulders. Still , I prefer his Sherlock, a reboot of the old detective stories. Very smartly written and totally addictive. Give it a try.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 1:42 pm

      Hi. Good to hear from you. My wife and I watched all of the Sherlock episodes earlier this year. Terrific! I hope they do a few more episodes one of these days.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Jacqui Murray December 2, 2020 / 1:45 pm

    Loved Queen’s Gambit. Wall Street Journal recommended it (and my husband’s Notre Dame board) and they weren’t wrong. I’ll probably skip the other. My rose colored glasses might not work on it.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. rkrontheroad December 2, 2020 / 2:28 pm

    Well, I just don’t fit in any of the usual categories. It was just me and my cat, as it is every day, for Thanksgiving. I don’t eat meat, but I’m a pescatarian/vegetarian so I made a salmon with green beans. And I haven’t had tv for about 20 years now! I do watch movies on my computer and alternate between different platforms. I had Netflix for a while, now I’m with Amazon Prime. I like foreign films and caught up with lots of them earlier in the year, then found it too depressing and have watched romantic comedies the last month or two. I’m waiting for the big snows and plan to switch to HBO then. I’m a big reader and loved the My Brilliant Friend series of novels and would like to see that series and Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America. Yes I know they are more tv style series, but after reading the books, I’m ready to try them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 3:04 pm

      Hi. Thanks for the input. This is the first year in decades that I can somewhat intelligently talk about TV — I’ve seen a lot of series this year. I saw My Brilliant Friend. Liked it, though I thought there were some holes in the script. I forgot about the Roth adaptation. I might watch it. Thanks for mentioning it. Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      • rkrontheroad December 2, 2020 / 3:07 pm

        There are always pieces missing when books go to film or tv. There’s a lot more depth in books generally. I remember seeing the Lord of the Rings movies and thinking that, if you haven’t read the books, you would have missed so much.

        Liked by 1 person

  20. Rosaliene Bacchus December 2, 2020 / 3:10 pm

    Like you, my sister and I decided it was better to be safe than sorry and decided against having our traditional Thanksgiving family dinner. I’ve also been watching TV series–the most recent being The Crown (Netflix) and The Undoing (HBO)–but haven’t yet seen the two that you’ve mentioned. I’ll check them out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 4:24 pm

      Hopefully, Thanksgiving next year will be the way we all want it to be. I think it will. My wife loves The Crown. She can’t praise it enough!

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Kim Bultman December 2, 2020 / 3:25 pm

    Thanks for your perspectives on Thanksgiving and TV-watching. Here at The Lake (in the USA) we only get three channels, thus our selection of visual diversions are limited. I watch our DVD collection when times prove to be dull. (Thanks for your recommendations, too — hope to tune into them one day soon via my skethcy internet connection.) Glad to hear you ‘n’ your wife had a good time. (My hubby ‘n’ me, too!) Dinner for two is better than none. Make the best of what you have and appreciate every moment. Sounds like you did! (Covid-19 notwithstanding.) As for your religious views, thankfulness is at the top of our list — Thanksgiving feasts and Christmas decorations no so much. Pick what’s most important to YOU! While we give credit to God for all of our blessings, it still sounds like you still know there’s “Someone” to thank. God bless us all!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 4:27 pm

      Hi. Well, I don’t believe in God. But I appreciate life fully. I totally agree with your statement: “Make the best of what you have and appreciate every moment.”


  22. workinacresnothours December 2, 2020 / 3:29 pm

    Howdy doody, You & your wife should set up a pretend outdoor eatery somewhere in your house just or fun. lol. I’m a little quirky when it comes to the creative. The virus here in our town is still non existent although it does concern me at times how complacent some people are I just steer clear.
    I loved the queens gambit. At the moment I am watching the “alienists” its a bit graphic(gorey) but I love the era its set in, it has a very sherlock holmes feel about it, just grittier. Adrift is another good one based on true story. Mum & I watch a lot of youtube. At the moment its the absolute history series, great info if you live on the land. We also have farming/homestead & chateau bloggers that we follow only a few as its a little over done & hard to find the sensible ones. lol Have a wonderful rest of the week & weekend ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 4:30 pm

      Hey there. Thanks for adding your thoughts. I’m hoping that there are a couple of fluke warm days coming up this winter, so that my wife and I can eat outdoors at restaurants.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. greenpete58 December 2, 2020 / 3:42 pm

    Glad you had an enjoyable turkey day, Neil. Lynn and I were alone, too, but had a wonderful time. Regarding TV and program watching, I love the Golden Age of Porn, and you can’t go wrong with a good Annette Haven movie to go with your pumpkin pie. (Pick what’s most important to you). Unfortunately, Lynn isn’t a fan, so I had to settle for a PBS documentary called “The Pilgrims.” Wonder what William Bradford would think of Maraschino Cherry.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. Paula B December 2, 2020 / 5:13 pm

    We’re watching “The Queen’s Gambit” now and are enthralled. Neil, I note that you don’t have the Acorn app. I’d highly recommend it! It’s not very expensive, and it’s got a wealth of programming. We just finished watching the series “A Place to Call Home.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 5:54 pm

      I’ll investigate Acorn. But, to tell you the truth, I think there’s enough on Netflix, HBO and the others I have to keep me occupied for a long time.


  25. annieasksyou December 2, 2020 / 5:45 pm

    Thank you, Neil. Do you really want to hear about everyone’s Thanksgiving celebrations? That’s mighty generous of you! But since you asked…

    I used to make big Thanksgiving dinners but haven’t for quite a while. This year, we had a lovely Zoomfest with family and grand dog—and received a beautiful floral arrangement that still graces our table. As my spouse isn’t partial to turkey, he made salmon and sweet potatoes, and that was fine with me.

    Re: TV—We thought The Queen’s Gambit was terrific, though if I hadn’t already seen it, your lack of a spoiler alert would have me less able to appreciate your review.

    I love Cumberbatch, but since we don’t have Showtime, Marlowe will be a no show for us. Sounds Dickensian.

    We’re now watching The Crown, in which Charles is a more interesting character than I sense he truly is. Diana is heartbreaking, and I suspect that Harry—who adored her—never forgave his father for the way he treated her, possibly leading to his willingness to leave the family when his own love was being maligned. (Good grief: I sound like one of those raving royalists!) Interesting to see the depiction of Thatcher, The Iron Lady for sure.

    Here’s hoping that Operation Warp Speed brings us out of this pandemic with speed and safety, our health, humor, and sanity unwarped.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 8:01 pm

      Evening, Annie. The Queen’s Gambit was so well done. The script and performances were very fine. And the actress who played the older Beth . . . she was absolutely great in a very demanding role. The show, I think is a big hit. And rightfully so.

      Liked by 1 person

  26. alhenry December 2, 2020 / 6:16 pm

    First, The Queen’s Gambit–YES! Ed and I are about halfway through it, and LOVE it! Haven’t seen Patrick Melrose, but love Benedict Cumberbatch. And having endured emotionally abusive parents, who liked to remind me “Be grateful we don’t beat you,” I’m a fairly tough cookie and will check it out.

    Activities? Writing/revising stories/novels. Playing guitar. Querying agents (drag, but I owe my writing that much). Mad Scrabble tournaments with Ed. Walking.

    TV shows? Finished Stranger Things and Mind Hunters (still furious they are not doing a Season 3!) and 13 seasons of Poirot!

    Turkey Day–just Ed and me. VERY sad about lack of adult kids home like usual, BUT Ed made a ham. I did roast veggies and pumpkin pie. So, we did not starve, and we will make it through despite every GOP attempt to wipe us off the map. As I mentioned, I was raised by abusive Republicans–I’m onto their game. And I come prepared!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 8:06 pm

      Hi, Amy. You’ve been busy, which is the way to be most any time, and maybe more so during a pandemic. Changing the subject slightly: At the supermarket a day or two ago I passed by their magazine/book aisle and what did I see? Several volumes of MadLibs! I could hardly believe it. It’s good to know that all these years later, MadLibs is still around.

      Liked by 1 person

  27. JT Twissel December 2, 2020 / 6:47 pm

    I think The Crown is the best thing on Netflix (so far). Next to that I watch way too many house-hunters international shows and (although I don’t trust him at all) Rick Steves. I guess if we can’t get away we can watch people get away! We’re trying to decide whether or not to travel at Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 8:08 pm

      Evening, JT. I’ve never seen The Crown, but my wife is totally taken with it. I think she’s about halfway through the latest season.


      • JT Twissel December 2, 2020 / 8:27 pm

        Oh golly – you can’t beat Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret – she’s just fabulous.

        Liked by 1 person

  28. Ann Coleman December 2, 2020 / 9:10 pm

    I admit I hate the Covid virus, and I hate very few things. We live far enough south that we can still occasionally dine outside at a restaurant, as long as they have a few heaters going, so that helps. Otherwise, I’m babysitting my grandkids more, reading more, watching more TV (but nothing particularly interesting, mostly reruns) and, (gasp) cleaning out my basement and closets. When this is over, I may well be around the bend mentally, but my house will look GOOD!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 10:57 pm

      We all need to hang in there for four or five more months. By then we probably will have been inoculated, and the picture will be brightening up.

      Liked by 1 person

  29. K E Garland December 2, 2020 / 9:33 pm

    Thanksgiving was super quiet! I’ll have my 2020 review coming out this month, but I’ll answer the TV question…Twilight Zone (season 2), make sure it’s season 2 and Modern Love were favs of mine. They are both on Amazon Prime…I think Twilight Zone can be found on Hulu or CBS all access too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 11:01 pm

      Hi Kathy. Have you seen episodes of the original Twilight Zone? If so, how does the original compare with the new series?

      Liked by 1 person

      • K E Garland December 3, 2020 / 8:08 am

        Yes, I have. So the first season of the née one doesn’t compare at all. In fact, it was more sci-fi and kinda weird. The second season is comparable, but updated. I really enjoyed it.

        Liked by 1 person

  30. mariezhuikov December 2, 2020 / 10:14 pm

    You were wise to limit your Thanksgiving guests. It does suck, but hopefully, next year will be different. We just finished watching “Queen’s Gambit” and enjoyed it also. Now we are onto “Emily in Paris.” Not quite the same caliber, but fun, nonetheless.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 2, 2020 / 11:08 pm

      You know, there’s so much content on Netflix, it blows my mind. Maybe my wife and I will give Emily a try. Thanks for mentioning it.

      Liked by 1 person

  31. lifeisacelebration December 2, 2020 / 10:55 pm

    Love the Queen’s Gambit. This quarantine environment has me really binge-watching lately. Not that I’m complaining though.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 3, 2020 / 7:27 am

      Hi, and thanks for visiting. I wonder what percentage of the population binge-watches. Probably it’s pretty high.

      Liked by 1 person

  32. cincinnatibabyhead December 3, 2020 / 1:04 am

    If I can ever put the booze down and quit smoking cigarette after cigarette I might get to those shows you mentioned. I did catch an episode of ‘The Andy Griffith’ show where Andy deputized Otis. Otis was spending so much time in jail that Andy figured he might as well put him to work. Barney was pissed off.
    We celebrate Thanksgiving a little earlier up in the frozen north. We had a delicious dinner. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Basia Korzeniowska December 3, 2020 / 1:43 am

    Thank you. Hope your Thanksgiving was lovely a deux! I too have been watching more tv than usual. We’ve been watching a very long mystery series. Inspector Montalbano about a Sicilian police inspector. We decided to start at the beginning and work our way to the end. We have watched the young police inspector and his mates grow from good looking young impulsive men to older mature handsome thoughtful middle aged men. Some still womanise, some still irritate, but they feel like family now. The only problem is the white subtitles which at the end of a long day can be tiring. But the books by camilleri are very good too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 3, 2020 / 7:35 am

      Hey there. Subtitles can be difficult to read sometimes. For me anyway. I have trouble reading white subtitles when they are against a bright background. I think that yellow subtitles work better than white ones, but you don’t find yellow ones too often.


  34. sniderjerry December 3, 2020 / 8:11 am

    Hey Neil, How about Barney Miller – good writing – good acting. Check out the atomic bomb episode. Have a great day. Jerry

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 3, 2020 / 9:21 am

      That was a good show. A lot of quirky, likeable characters. Hi Jerry. See ya!


  35. J. Kelland Perry December 3, 2020 / 12:35 pm

    You were very wise to lock down for Thanksgiving, Neil. I know it’s not the same with just the two of you, but you want to be around for another one, am I right?

    We loved The Queen’s Gambit! Favorite pastimes during the pandemic have been streaming services, lots of books, and keeping up with exercise.


    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 3, 2020 / 2:17 pm

      Hi, and thanks for adding your thoughts. You’re spending your time productively! By the way, have you seen the series Enlightened? I read about it yesterday. It sounds good. It’s from 2011 or so.

      Liked by 1 person

  36. Alyson December 3, 2020 / 1:33 pm

    Sorry your Thanksgiving was not as it should have been. Hopefully next year…

    I started keeping a note of all the telly series we’ve watched since March and it makes for an awful lot of viewing. With trips to the theatre and the cinema off the cards though, it’s been a bit of a godsend. Just finished The Crown which was very good – Caused a bit of upset though with our Royals.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 3, 2020 / 3:58 pm

      It seems like everybody except me is watching The Crown! My wife loves it. Maybe I’ll give it a try some day.

      Liked by 1 person

  37. America On Coffee December 3, 2020 / 4:15 pm

    Season’s greeting Neil! I suppose if you and Sandy had guests over. You would be fined. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 3, 2020 / 6:39 pm

      Hey there, AOC. We felt bad about cancelling the Turkey Day gathering, but it seemed like the correct thing to do. Take care. See ya!

      Liked by 1 person

  38. loristory December 3, 2020 / 8:44 pm

    TV has probably saved me from going stir-crazy at night. I’ve enjoyed The Crown, Schitt’s Creek, and The Queen’s Gambit. If you’ve never seen them, The Good Place and Parks and Rec are not to be missed. I’m most recently watching The Great British Baking Show, Outlander, and am rewatching some old episodes of Downton Abbey, Grantchester, and Doc Marten — they’re that good. Perhaps my favorite older series is The Detectorists.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 3, 2020 / 9:53 pm

      Hi, and thanks for the recommendations. There are a few on your list that I’ll look in to. You know, it’s absolutely unbelievable to me how many shows there are to watch on TV. Between network stations, streaming outlets, and premium networks like HBO, there are thousands of programs.

      Liked by 1 person

  39. johnlmalone December 3, 2020 / 11:56 pm

    I enjoy watching a weekly quiz show called ‘The Chase’, like watching reruns of Father Brown, Rosemary & Thyme and Midsommer Murders of which there are 19 seasons. Always something to watch. I enjoy blogging, of course, meeting up with friends twice a week and going to the gym and for beach walks. then the next week begins 🙂 stay well, Neil and thanks for staying in touch

    Liked by 1 person

  40. viewfromoverthehill December 4, 2020 / 12:36 am

    Like you, this non-believer does believe in Thanksgiving and since I now live in Canada, I get to celebrate it twice. Yeah! I also love the traditional food, but didn’t get to it this year. Still, I am grateful.
    I’m watching some Netflix most evenings. I’m enjoying a Japanese offering called: ‘Midnight Diner’. The diner, open from midnight to 7 a.m., tells us something about one or two of the people who frequent the place in each segment. At the end of each, they show you how to make one of the dishes featured. I’m also watching ‘Barbarians’, and another stupid Turkish series called ‘Filinta’. But Filinta is a sexy, good-looking guy. (I ain’t dead yet!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 4, 2020 / 7:36 am

      Netflix blows my mind. There’s so much on it, it’s incredible. Here’s an unusual series that I watched: It’s Bruno! You might like it Very short episodes about a guy obsessed with his dog. The show is set in Brooklyn and is wild and crazy.


  41. George December 4, 2020 / 1:05 am

    Currently rewatching two BBC dramas: Strike, written by J. K. Rowling, is about a one-legged Afghan war veteran who is now a down at heel private detective, and the bright, but damaged young girl who comes to from a temping agency to do his admin, and ends up becoming his PI partner; and Life on Mars, one of the cleverest and funniest psychological drama/comedy series ever made, about a Detective Inspector who suffers a car accident and wakes up in 1973–is he mad? In coma? Or back in time?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 4, 2020 / 7:38 am

      Hi. Those shows sound great. Not sure if they are on any of the outlets I have, but I’ll look into it today. Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

  42. LTodd December 4, 2020 / 2:24 pm

    Thanksgiving greetings to you and Sandy, although belated. Our celebration included the turkey and all the trimmings with a much smaller crowd than normal. A short Zoom session brought us in contact with our son and his better half, which was much better than a phone call except not as pleasant as an in-person visit. Looks like Christmas may not be any better. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 4, 2020 / 3:43 pm

      Hi. Well, vaccines are coming soon. We can only hope that they will be as good as most experts think they will be.

      Liked by 1 person

  43. Paulie December 4, 2020 / 3:39 pm

    A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you. We typically gather at my sons house and there was a gathering there but I didn’t attend. They all did their best to maintain a safe protocol but I guess I was making a statement in support of the health care workers. And soooo, I had a fried bologna sandwich of all things.
    My wife and I have, like many, been watching more TV over the past 9 months. Street Food, Chef’s Table, Schitt’s Creek, Perry Mason (the HBO version). We just finished season 2 of Yellowstone and years and years after the series finale I’m watching The West Wing and I think it’s one of the best series ever made. Better late than never. Just last week I watched another Sorkin production, The Trial of the Chicago 7.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 4, 2020 / 4:58 pm

      I’ve noticed that The West Wing is on Netflix. I probably should watch it, because I saw only a handful of episodes when it was on the tube originally. Like you say, a great show. Sorkin is a heck of a talent.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Paulie December 4, 2020 / 7:18 pm

        West Wing is on Netflix until around Dec 22nd, don’t know the exact date. After that it should be available on HBO Max.

        Liked by 1 person

  44. Helen Devries December 4, 2020 / 7:46 pm

    Leo watches TV…he was enthralled by Queen’s Gambit. I don’t know if you can catch ‘Marseilles’ on your Netflix, starring Depardieu…well worth a look.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 4, 2020 / 8:18 pm

      Evening, Helen. I’ll take a look to see if Marseilles is on any network we get. Thanks for the suggestion. Enjoy the weekend!


  45. selizabryangmailcom December 6, 2020 / 2:44 pm

    I’ve heard good things about both of those shows.
    As for getting out…believe it or not, we have NOT been in a restaurant since last March!
    But Thanksgiving was quiet and relaxing. Cannot complain.

    At home hubby’s involved in an immersive computer *experience* (evidently, it’s not considered a *game) called Star Citizen. I’m writing book III of my paranormal comedy series.

    We just got through watching Mark Strong in Temple–pretty good! I mean, he’s ALWAYS good.
    I think I mentioned The Boys to you in the past–deconstruction of the superhero gritty type show. Amazon Prime. Season one was better, though.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 6, 2020 / 4:05 pm

      Hi. I just looked up Mark Strong in imdb, because his name didn’t ring a bell. He’s had a very active career. Been in a million films and series.

      Liked by 1 person

  46. Image Earth Travel December 6, 2020 / 8:32 pm

    We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in The Land of Oz, but as our country is becoming more Americanised, maybe we will in future years.

    I’ve spent the pandemic renovating and writing. I’ve never been a TV-watcher and only watch movies through the TV. Commercial TV, reality shows, and the garbage on TV pains me! 😉

    You may have read that Australia (and NZ) has been pretty strict during the pandemic. Our state borders have been closed since March and are just opening up now, with one border still closed. I have to admit that Australians have been really good with following government direction. We’re being told that overseas travel wont be an option until the last quarter in 2021. Since March, OS travel has only been allowed on compassionate grounds after completing a plethora of government paperwork, which makes you lose the will to live! Then, flight tickets are hideously expensive – AU$9,000 economy class from Oz to the US. If that’s not enough, everyone arriving into Australia has to self-isolate for 14 days at a government-designated hotel, which costs around AU$3,000 per person at our own expense!

    It’s the first time in decades that not many Australians are travelling OS and for such a long time. Many are taking to the road and enjoying trips now that borders are starting to open again – not a bad option.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 6, 2020 / 10:32 pm

      The vaccines can’t arrive soon enough. Almost a million people worldwide have died from the virus. So many businesses already have failed, and many more will. Another worry is that many people will refuse to be inoculated. All in all, the virus situation has been incredibly intense and damaging.

      Liked by 1 person

  47. ckennedy December 7, 2020 / 10:06 am

    I’ve not seen the Queen’s Gambit, but your synopsis sounds great! I’ll have to watch it. Thanksgiving was cozy–just Nate, Alex, and I–and the cat. We watched the Macy’s Parade, enjoyed a small turkey dinner with all of the fixings, and took a walk outside by the beach later on. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  48. denisebushphoto December 7, 2020 / 10:53 am

    There are so many great series out there these days. We are watching ‘Queen’s Gambit’, ‘The Undoing’, ‘Dead To Me’, ‘Transparent’. There are a lot of older ones we never got around to seeing too. It’s nice to have the choices with us all staying home more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 7, 2020 / 1:02 pm

      Hi, Denise. Yeah, it’s incredible how many good series there are. My wife and I just finished watching season two of a guilty pleasure: Virgin River. It’s soap opera-ish, but we got into it. Next, we might start watching Enlightened, or maybe Stateless. Enjoy the week!

      Liked by 1 person

  49. cath December 7, 2020 / 3:00 pm

    I hope you had a happy, if different, Thanksgiving celebration – given the current news coming from the US, I’m relieved you made that choice.

    We’ve tried both The Queen’s Gambit, and Patrick Melrose, and didn’t continue past the first episode of either. I was surprised about the ‘Melrose’. As you say, Benedict Cumberbatch is such a classy actor I was expecting to be hooked. Maybe we’ll give it another try…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger December 7, 2020 / 4:47 pm

      Hi. Right, hospitals in the States and other countries are being overrun with virus cases. And things possibly will get even worse because of Christmas and New Year gatherings.


      • cath December 7, 2020 / 5:49 pm

        Yes, not looking good. Just hoping they get the vaccines rolled out asap.

        Liked by 1 person

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