This Is My 350th Story

Huh? What? Are you shitting me? I can hardly believe that 350 stories have emerged from my cobwebby mind. I mean, when I first began pecking away at my computer’s keyboard a little over nine years ago, writing an initial batch of articles that the WordPress gods were good enough to allow to be published, I doubt if I’d have guessed that the number of opuses residing within Yeah, Another Blogger eventually would turn out to be somewhat impressive.

Sure, many scribes publish stories at a pace incredibly faster than mine. (Take a look, for instance, at bluejayblog, penned by an anonymous gentleman whose handle is swabby429. He produces a piece every single day, and many of them are as astute as all get out.) Still, I’m fairly proud of myself. Writing ain’t easy, for me anyway. But my plan is to continue turning out product, and I’d like to think that I have many more stories in me. As I often note on these pages, though, I’m older than dirt, so my future isn’t necessarily wide open. As it always does, of course, time will tell.

Speaking of which, time has been on my mind a lot of late, along with some of its related matters. Many of us, including me, take time for granted. But, amorphous and difficult to conceptualize as it is, time nonetheless rules. Seeing that we each have only a finite number of days to spend above ground on Planet Earth, it seems pretty clear that trying to become better versions of ourselves should be among our priorities. Pursuing our peaceful dreams, for example, is where it’s at. As is standing up for the little guy. Most important, though, I’d say, is being as open, respectful, loving and kind as possible. Can you imagine how fine the world would be if those four qualities increased by twenty percent or more among humankind? Why, we’d almost be living in paradise.

Believe it or not, my thoughts have been running in these directions because of a television series my wife Sandy and I devoured over the last several weeks. Sandy purchased a new smart phone recently, and with it came a free trial subscription to Apple TV+. There was no reason to put that subscription to waste. Thus, a few days later we began to watch Ted Lasso, which probably is Apple TV+’s most well-known production. I’d heard of Ted Lasso, but knew nothing about its premise. Sandy, on the other hand, knew plenty. And was champing at the bit to discover if the series’ popularity is deserved.

The answer is yes. Ted Lasso isn’t perfect, mind you. The acting and dialogue fall flat here and there, and the occasional plot line heads nowhere in particular. However, little matter. For the most part, Ted Lasso goes down as satisfyingly as your favorite beverage, and provides uplifting messages along the way. It’s inspirational, just what the doctor ordered to get your mind off the world’s woes and to inject you with hope for the human race. The show sure as hell made Sandy and me feel better about things for a little while, as it has done for millions of others.

Ted Lasso boasts an enormous cast, most of whose members receive generous amounts of screentime over the course of the series’ 34 episodes. The show’s biggest focus, not surprisingly, is its title character, a coach of American-style football at a college in Kansas, USA, who, in the series’ first episode, is wooed by the owner of an association football (i.e., soccer) team in England. Almost inexplicably, she wants Ted (portrayed by Jason Sudeikis) to become her squad’s head coach, despite the fact that Ted’s knowledge of association football/soccer is nonexistent. Nonetheless, due to problems in his personal life, he accepts the offer and moves to England.

For me to say much more would spoil the series for anyone who might be thinking of giving it a try. So, I won’t. Except this: Ted is a hell of a fine guy. He’s kind, gentle, empathetic and smart as a whip. He sees the good sides of people, tries to instill self-confidence in those who need doses of same, and unwaveringly supports everyone within his circle. He’s a difference-maker, in other words, in nothing but positive ways.

I also should mention that F-bombs, in a dazzling variety of iterations, drop pretty much continuously throughout each episode. Ted Lasso, therefore, should be avoided by anyone with sensitive ears. My ears are anything but. Which is one reason I liked the show as much as I did. And so, in closing, let me remind everyone that time totally fucking flies. Hence, for anyone so inclined, now is the time to try and become even better than they already are.


197 thoughts on “This Is My 350th Story

  1. Jeff the Chef June 12, 2024 / 10:32 am

    Congratulations! That’s a lot of years and a lot of posts. Lasso was especially sweet during the tumultuous of the pandemic when we all needed to remember that people can be good to one another even if – or especially when – we don’t deserve it.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ally Bean June 12, 2024 / 10:34 am

    Congratulations on your accomplishment. Well done. I adore your line: And so, in closing, let me remind everyone that time totally fucking flies Words to remember and live by. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. kegarland June 12, 2024 / 3:02 pm

    I love this message, Neil! I’ve avoided watching Ted Lasso so far, but your TV recommendations are pretty good, so I may give it a try.

    And CONGRATS on the stats 🥳

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 12, 2024 / 6:16 pm

      Hi. Yeah, give Ted a try. By the way, do you have any recommendations for series on Apple? My wife and I would like to watch at least another Apple series before the trial subscription runs out.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. unionhomestead June 12, 2024 / 3:29 pm

    Congratulations! I utterly agree: time does fucking fly and I often hide from the straight up hard work(for me) of blog writing by utilising it in other ways. As for kindness and empathy: bring them on. I’ll do my bit from here and hopefully we can make a dent in the fug we’re collectively in at the moment.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 12, 2024 / 6:19 pm

      Hey there. I tip my hat to you for publishing a piece every week. I used to do that, but I couldn’t keep up that pace after a few years.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Anonymous June 12, 2024 / 6:43 pm

    How did you count them? I wouldn’t have a clue how to do that. Congrats. Cheers, Muriel

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 12, 2024 / 10:49 pm

      Howdy. In the administrative section of my blog, WordPress keeps count of the number of stories I publish. Have a great rest of the week! Neil


  6. Un po' di pepe June 12, 2024 / 9:08 pm

    Auguri 🎉🎉🎉. Congrats on your 350 th post! That is a huge achievement-believe me, i know. If i post twice a month, i consider that a win. Posting every day is waaaay too much-which has time to read that many? You have found a good balance.
    I have seen only the first 2 episodes of Ted Lasso and absolutely loved it. I think most people don’t know what the show is about. I have to get my hands on Apple TV for long enough to watch them all. Ciao, Cristina

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 12, 2024 / 10:53 pm

      Hi, Cristina. If you liked the first two episodes, I’m pretty sure you’ll like the whole run. I hope you get to see the rest of the series. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it. Neil


  7. Mthobisi Magagula June 13, 2024 / 6:28 am

    Wow. Absolutely amazing and impressive turnout and result my friend. Writing 350 blog posts is not child’s play, it takes resilience, focus and determination to reach that target.

    Congratulations my friend and I as well am proud of your work, you are a Remarkable Blogger and that is really admiring and it shows that you know your stuff. Huge respect to you💖⭐🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Anonymous June 13, 2024 / 9:34 am

    Congratulations on the impressive number of essays—and thanks for the insight and humor you share with your readers.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 13, 2024 / 1:16 pm

      I appreciate what you said. I don’t know who this is, though. You are listed as Anonymous.


  9. frnwhcom June 13, 2024 / 1:58 pm

    If it helps, some days I will do many posts and just schedule them for individual days. I’m already up to April 2025 at this point, and still going. You’re doing fine!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Ann Coleman June 13, 2024 / 4:40 pm

    Congrats on 350 posts! That’s huge! I’ve heard wonderful things about Ted Lasso, but have yet to try it. But I sure plan to!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. andrewcferguson June 14, 2024 / 10:44 am

    That ol’ tempus certainly does keep fugitting along, doesn’t it? Congrats on your 350th birthday!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. roughwighting June 14, 2024 / 5:30 pm

    That is a LOT of posts. You should be proud of yourself, and we readers are thankful that you keep on keeping on. I think we use the word Fuck when we want to really really highlight something that bothers us or is exceptional in some ways. I do wonder how that word became something used as an expletive over and over. I haven’t watched Ted Lasso (we don’t stream much) and I’m sure I’d like it. But I think the writers can be more creative than using the F word endlessly. Thankfully in real life I don’t know of anyone who needs to say it in every other sentence. Or even every other paragraph, or even once a day!

    Okay, got that little thing off my chest. I love your blog because I always feel safe (and not judged) by writing my feelings on a subject. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 14, 2024 / 11:31 pm

      Hi there. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts. I’ve gotten very used to the F word in movies and TV shows. A lot of people I know, including me, drop F-bombs in conversation, but not excessively. Anyway, I’m glad you stopped by. It’s always good to hear from you. Take care. Neil

      Liked by 1 person

      • roughwighting June 15, 2024 / 2:35 pm

        A friend of mine ends her sentences (about something that’s bothering her) with FFS. I finally asked her what it means. For Fuck’s Sake. Oh. well. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  13. eden baylee June 15, 2024 / 10:20 am

    I’m not sure that writing is easy for ANYONE, so congratulations are definitely in order! Here’s to the next 350 and more!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 15, 2024 / 3:23 pm

      Hi Eden. For most people., I imagine, writing sometimes is easier than at other times. But it sure isn’t truly easy at any time.


  14. the incurable dreamer June 15, 2024 / 10:56 am

    Congratulations on 350 stories, Neil! I struggle to write 3 per year, so this feat is incredible.

    Ted Lasso has saved me these last few years. I’ve watched each season four times because I can’t get enough of the characters and how they make me feel. The finale always gets me, and I wish it didn’t have to end. Nothing lasts forever, though, so enjoy it while you can. And before it’s too late.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 15, 2024 / 3:26 pm

      Hi. Thanks for adding your thoughts. In re the final scenes of Ted Lasso: Do you think they are implying that Ted maybe is getting back together with his ex-wife?

      Liked by 1 person

      • the incurable dreamer June 16, 2024 / 11:04 am

        Absolutely. But I think they leave it open to interpretation, as well. They could just be friends, but because of the hints they dropped about doctor Jake being a knob head, and how Ted’s new-found assertiveness made Michelle happy, my take is that Ted moved back home and they lived happily ever after.

        Liked by 2 people

  15. ParentingIsFunny June 16, 2024 / 12:05 pm

    Great last sentiment. I feel that way too. Congrats on 350! Looking forward to seeing your 500th!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. annieasksyou June 16, 2024 / 3:17 pm

    Happy 3-5-0, Neil! It’s always fun to read your musings; I hope there are many more years of them (and I’ll be around to read them as well!) Though we don’t have access to Ted Lasso, I’ve heard great things about the show. I certainly share your celebration of Lasso’s good qualities.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. tanjabrittonwriter June 17, 2024 / 12:10 am

    350–that’s VERY impressive, Neil, congratulations. I hope you will continue to feel inspired to share your insights with the rest of us.

    Best wishes,


    Liked by 2 people

  18. Life...One Big Adventure June 17, 2024 / 12:56 am

    Agree wholeheartedly! Seize the day and all that! So many cliches and so many excuses for not living them. I will try to do better. Have a good week. Mel

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Jacqui Murray June 17, 2024 / 1:10 pm

    We loved Ted Lasso for many episodes and then, they changed their writers… or something… Same with Brooklyn 99… I love binging shows.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 17, 2024 / 5:22 pm

      Hi Jacqui. My wife and I liked all three seasons of TL. Season three had one episode set in Amsterdam, and I think that maybe it was the best episode of them all.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. rkrontheroad June 17, 2024 / 2:17 pm

    Hey congratulations!! I’m a bluejayblog follower too, but I pick and choose the ones I read. (But not an Apple user.) I try to do one a week, and usually skip a week or two between topics. I just passed 150 posts… you are my hero!

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Bruce@WOTC June 18, 2024 / 1:51 pm

    Time does fly by. I’ve been pondering that a bit myself these days. Mrs. Chess and I enjoyed Ted Lasso a lot. I think it creatively had another season or two left in it, but there’s a lot to be said for going out “on top” which I think it certainly did.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 18, 2024 / 4:31 pm

      The third and final season was a good one, overall. though I wasn’t crazy about the episodes with Fava, the superstar who played only a few games for Ted’s team. But I thought the episode set in Amsterdam was possibly the best TL episode of all.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Anonymous June 18, 2024 / 2:56 pm

    Congratulations on your milestone Neil. Thanks for the entertainment!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 18, 2024 / 4:28 pm

      Hi Lynne., and thanks. I imagine that the number of pieces you’ve posted makes my 350 look kind of small!


  23. Pam Lazos June 19, 2024 / 11:55 am

    OMG, Neil, 350 posts!! That’s awesome! So glad to be along for the ride. And yes, Ted Lasso is one of the best feel-good sitcoms every made. I watch it now whenever I need a lift because life has gotten too complex. Works every time. Enjoy!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 19, 2024 / 5:32 pm

      Hey, Pam. Sandy and I finished watching Ted Lasso a number of weeks ago. Yet, I still think about it. It clearly made a big impression on me.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Pam Lazos June 20, 2024 / 10:12 am

        Me, too, plus it is a great thing to watch when you need a pick-me-up!

        Liked by 1 person

  24. petespringerauthor June 20, 2024 / 10:50 pm

    Congratulations on your milestone post, Neil. “Time totally fucking flies” the older we get. I recently posted my 200th article, which is a miracle in itself as I started this blogging thing on a whim. I didn’t even know if there would be a post #2 at the time, and here I am five years later.

    Like you, I have a friend who blogged every day for years. I don’t know if you follow baseball, but I dubbed him the Cal Ripken Ironman of Blogging. Ripken holds the record (by far) of playing in 2,632 consecutive games. I teased my friend by asking him if he was trying to break Ripken’s record. Much to my surprise, he answered and said Ripken was his favorite ballplayer, and he had set that goal for himself already. He finally made it to post 2,633, despite a falling accident where he broke both hands in his last year. Who knew blogging could be so dangerous? 🤣 Another funny part of the story is it was his drop the mic moment, and he retired from blogging the next day.

    I’ve seen you around some of the same blogs I follow and finally made it to your site today. You’ve got quite the following. Take a number, Springer. 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 21, 2024 / 7:55 am

      Hi Pete. Thanks for stopping by. It’s amazing, isn’t it, that some folks publish pieces every single day. I know of one person who publishes twice each day. These folks definitely do not have writer’s block. Take care, and enjoy the weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. theburningheart June 21, 2024 / 12:18 am

    Nice to see you keep posting, myself got lazy, and to top a son of mine asked me to join Facebook, so I could get in touch with him since he live thousands of miles away from me, so now posting in WordPress seems boring to me, not that I do not have plenty of things to say, but between my heavy reading, and social media, plus taking care of life in all it’s dimensions, my blog just seat there like a stale food at the bottom of the fridge.

    Anyway, nice to know you are here yet, and congratulations for your 350 Post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Another Blogger June 21, 2024 / 7:58 am

      Hello there. I’m glad you added your thoughts. You’re keeping busy and are involved with many activities, which is the important thing. It sounds as though you are enjoying life. Take care. Neil

      Liked by 1 person

      • theburningheart June 21, 2024 / 1:17 pm

        Well, we do as best, as we can at almost 72 years old, life starts to look like climbing a mountain, specially with six pills I got to take daily just to keep me going!🤷‍♂

        Liked by 1 person

  26. alhenry June 22, 2024 / 11:14 pm

    “Most important, though, I’d say, is being as open, respectful, loving and kind as possible.”

    Yes. Yes. And YES!

    Besides learning about Ted Lasso and his fucking f-bombs (smile!), I discovered that you and I began our blogging journeys about the same time. August 2015 for me. You were one of the first bloggers I discovered after I entered the Blog-O-Verse. Congratulations on #350. May there be MANY more.

    And yes, time is precious. Incredibly so. Carry on, my friend. And a happy summer to you and Sandy!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. ourcrossings June 25, 2024 / 7:46 am

    That’s so true – trying to become better versions of ourselves should be among our priorities. As we work to achieve our individual goals, we have to make sure that words and actions inspire those around us. Don’t just live life; live life with purpose. Always remember that as we work on becoming better versions of ourselves, others are looking to us for inspiration and example. Congratulations on writing and publishing 350 posts – that’s an amazing achievement worth celebrating. Thanks for sharing, and have a good day, Neil 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 1 person

  28. lookingforthehigherself June 25, 2024 / 9:29 am

    350 stories is an amazing achievement and shows so much consistency and discipline on your part!! Congratulations. I enjoy reading your stories because there is such a pure wholesomeness in its tone and much wisdom to
    learn from. I havent seen Ted Lasso yet though have heard alot about it. I may try to do so one of these days though I realise I find watching tv generally hard as am
    impatient… neverthrless thanks for the recommendation!

    Liked by 1 person

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